Wednesday, July 23, 2014

19 Months

Jackson, I can't believe it was 19 months ago
that we brought you home from the hospital
and I rocked you to sleep for the very first time. 

Little did I know that even once you outgrew my lap and the rocking chair-
 we would still find a way to to make it work.
And I would be rocking you to sleep every night 
for the next 19 months... and counting. 

I got so emotional the other night- while rocking you to sleep, 
knowing that nights like this won't last forever. 
That you are growing bigger by the day- 
and that all too soon, you won't need me, and will be going to bed on your own.

I'm assuming one day you will be going to bed all on your own. :) 

It makes my heart ache in so many ways
to think of you growing up into a little man. 
As I was rocking you to sleep the other night 
you looked at me with those big bright eyes. 
The same eyes I looked into when you were just days, weeks old. 

So many memories flooded my mind of nights with you
short, long, easy, hard,
and it made me tear up. 

It made me appreciate those nights, 
each and every one.
Just you and me.
I have cherished each and every minuet-
just holding you close, watching you fall asleep so peacefully. 

I guess my whole point to this post is I had no idea
what kind of Mamma I was going to be. 
I had thoughts in my mind about how everything would go.
My baby would be perfect, never be crabby, and sleep like a champ. 

Although perfect,
I soon realized how unpredictable our little ones could be.
From day one. 

And that 
never. changes.

It makes me so thankful that I took advice from others
but at the end of the day, did things the way I felt most comfortable. 

I quickly grew more and more confident in the decisions 
Daddy and I have made
when it comes to how we chose to raise you.

Not to say we have made all the "right" ones,
but the ones we have made have been right for our family. 

You may be 19 months- and just now starting to sleep 8+ hours, 
but I wouldn't have had it any other way. 

My advice to the new Mommy's out there-
listen, read, take advice,
but always go with your instincts. 
You will truly know what is best for you
and your little family. 

And yes, sometimes that means rocking a 19 month old to sleep. :)

Print Via Etsy: BirchTreeDesign

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mommy & Me Love The Sea - GIVEAWAY

I'm so excited to be part of such a fun giveaway! 

Simply Sweet Prints has partnered with Of Pumpkin Thieves & Buffalo Wings 
(along with 20 other amazing shops) 
to celebrate the opening of her brand new shop A Pretty Life Shop.
Together we are bringing you a beautiful 
Mommy & Mini Ocean Themed Giveaway!

Along with one a hand stitched flannel baby blanket
and a handmade wooden whale wall hanging from
A Pretty Life Shop's new items
the winner will receive prizes from each of the shops below!

Take a look at what you could win!
One winner will win over $800 in prizes for them and their little!
Second prize winner will win a hand stitched fleece blanket of their choice
as well as a wooden whale or manatee wall hanging
from A Pretty Life Shop.

Check out these amazing shops and all of their one-of-a-kind and handmade goodness!

MUKIBABA                                FRESHLY PICKED

   BETTY DOLLS                           LIME LEAF THREADS 


    NOAH  & OLIIVIA                     THE LITTLE Z BOUTIQUE

     MAG+PIE                                    SEEDSANDSOME

     SHELLY SEA                              LANDON'S TOY BOX

   LOOLUH RUE                             LUCKY SAGE SHOP



ASHLEY N                                     ZEN THREADS  

Click on the link below to visit 
Of Pumpkin Thieves & Buffalo Wings
to enter! 

Good luck to all!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Simply Things Sunday #012

We are in the middle of the summer here in Arizona- 
so that means lots of pool time!

Jackson absolutely loves the pool... 
and we love watching him in the pool. 

He looks at us with the biggest smiles, 
and we can just tell he is having the best time!

The best part- walking to the pool doesn't cost a penny-
and we've created some of the best summer memories! 

Tuesday, July 01, 2014


Of all the lessons I hope to teach my little man, 
he is teaching me one of the most valuable lessons of MY lifetime. 


To help you understand, my husband always said, 
"You would never make a good doctor, because you don't have any patients." 
Like patience. Get it?! :) 

I'm not so sure that helps you understand... but it's the best I could do! 

It's not that I was always in a hurry- it's just that if I had something to do, 
that was not fun- I just wanted to get it done. 
I didn't want to take my time doing chores, or running errands.

Before Jackson, I never knew it could take twenty minutes to vacuum our kitchen floor. 
Normally taking me about three minutes. 
(He absolutely loves the vacuum.)
He holds on and doesn't let go until we are done. 
Periodically looking back at me, thinking that it is one of the coolest things he's ever done 
in his short 18 months of life. 

Don't even ask how long it takes him to help me vacuum the living room. :) 

Before Jackson, I never thought I would take my time putting the dishes away. 
Normally I just wanted it done- 
Grabbing as many things as I could to speed up the process. 
Now Jackson hears the dishwasher open, and RUNS over. 
He stands there and hands me one spoon at a time, then one fork at a time, until we are done. Big smiles on his face the whole time. 

Before Jackson, I never knew it would take me two hours to grocery shop, 
or that I would talk to so many random people while grocery shopping. 
Going up and down the aisle, if he isn't trying to help, he's smiling and waving at everyone. 

Literally everyone. 

I can't tell you how many times he will smile at an older couple, and they stop to talk to him.
I used to get to the store, focused on what I needed to get, 
not paying attention to anyone around me, let alone talking to anyone. 

Seriously. someone could have been standing in the same aisle as me, 
trying to hand me $100- and I never would have noticed. 

Not intentionally- I just wanted to get in and out.  

Now I cherish the moments, and all the new people I meet, even for a brief moment. 
Some people have said the nicest things to me about cherishing my time with Jackson
or just about how happy (and cute) he is. 
There is something so heartwarming about someone you don't know, 
taking the time to say some kinds words to you. 

But back to my big helper at the grocery store... 
His favorite is when we pick out apples. 
He can't wait to grab an apple, and put it in the bag for me. 
One by one, focusing on getting it in the bag- taking twice as long. 
And I don't mind at. all. 

I used to rush through things, to get them done before Jackson had a chance 
to come and be my "big helper". 
I knew if I didn't, I would be doing a small minimal task for much, much longer. 
But that was short lived, and I quickly learned to embrace it. 
Jackson will never be this age ever again (nor this eager to help me out!) 
and I want to take in each and every little moment. 
He wants to help. He wants be by me.

And I want him to have the experience, no matter how silly of an experience it may be. 
Because to him-  right now, everything is a fun, new, exciting experience. 

I'm sure as he gets older, my lessons in patience will change-
 from being patient with small things- to being patient with much bigger things. 
But I hope I can always take a step back- and always enjoy the experience of this journey.

Plus, how can I say, 
"Mommy doesn't need your help right now" to this sweet face?!